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February 12, 2008

PlayerPal worth a look

Filed under: Software — cangione @ 2:59 pm

I use multiple machines in the course of my day. My Linux box, my laptop or my home tower. My home tower is the one that is connected to a really nice set of Yamaha speakers and where I keep my iTunes library. I've been looking for a way to control iTunes from whichever computer I happen to be using at a particular moment. 

I've been looking for this kind of control not only to flip through songs, but pause music when phone calls come in etc. The one thing that all my machines have in common is that they are all running Firefox. PlayerPal lets all of my machines connect to my home tower and act as a web remote for iTunes (or Windows Media Player if you're so inclined... I'm not). So one of my permanent tabs in Firefox on all my machines is set to PlayerPal.


Really geeky I know, but since my Smart Phone can connect to my wireless network, I can even use that as a portable remote control as I walk around my house!

-Charles Angione

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