A place for SGML and XML application developers.

August 7, 2006

XML Governance

Filed under: XML — cangione @ 10:49 pm

Just finished reading Rick Jelliffe's Presentation at Open Publish 06. I like his definition of XML Governance - Ensuring that the correct schemas, skills, personnel, procedures, practices, politics and feedback are in place for well-managed XML.

He goes on to relate the 10 Guiding Principles for Effective XML Development in the Extensibility Manifesto to their governance issues.

This is something that all XML architects should study carefully.

August 6, 2006

To Blog or To Wiki?

Filed under: Software — cangione @ 9:07 pm

At first glance wikis and blogs both provide an easy means of communicating information. With various products it is sometimes hard to identify the distinctive differences. Bob Doyle for E-Content Magazine does a good job in a recent article of pointing out the two main differences that still remain. The first is how blogs and wikis organize their information. The second is the number of contributors and what they hope to achieve.

A blog is organized in reverse chronological order. The Date and time is critical in the organization of the blog. The basic organizing principle of a wiki is to aggregate and organize content. New content and old content are give equal weight. Blogs typically speak in the voice of a single author or organization. The posts tend to stand alone on a topic. Others than add their comments or additions at the bottom of the post. Wiki information may start as a place holder for an idea or topic and then have multiple people contribute to it over time as relevant information is found.

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