A place for SGML and XML application developers.

March 22, 2006

Firebug Plugin for Firefox

Filed under: Software — @ 2:30 pm

FireBug is a new tool that aids with debugging Javascript, DHTML, and Ajax. Combination Javascript Console, DOM Inspector, and a command line Javascript interpreter.

February 26, 2006

Pastebin for online collaboration on source code

Filed under: Software — cangione @ 3:09 pm

Stumbled across a neat site the other day while in an IRC chat called Pastebin. A contributor wanted people to review his source code so he put it out on a site called

The site is designed so that you can post, comment and retrieve someone's source code for review. The site also offers a way to comment and highlight the code. There are various levels of control from a completely public area to a username/password option to view a post. Pastebin also offers to expire the post based on a time period of your choosing.

In short, a easy quick online collaboration tool.

February 23, 2006

Add Your Own Search Engine in Firefox

Filed under: Software — @ 11:12 pm

Firefox comes with multiple search sites in the Search Bar in the upper-right corner. The only one that I use on a regular basis is the default google one. I had other search engines that I wanted to add and I wanted to remove the ones that I didn't use. The process of removing search engines will be an exercise left to the reader.

The process of adding your own search engine is fairly straight forward. The following example shows you how to connect the blog search engine to the google Search Bar in Firefox.

  1. Navigate to the firefox/searchplugins directory
  2. Create a file named sgmlxml.src
  3. Edit the sgmlxml.src file as follows

sgmlxml.src File Example

name="SGMLXML Blog Search"
description="SGMLXML Blog Search"

<input name="s" user>
<inputnext name="start" factor="10">
<input name="ie" value="utf-8">
<input name="oe" value="utf-8">

charset = "UTF-8"

Firefox FireFTP

Filed under: Software — @ 9:49 pm

FireFTP is a free, secure, cross-platform FTP client plugin for Mozilla Firefox which provides easy and intuitive access to FTP servers.

December 4, 2005

VMware 5.5 Worth the Upgrade for Linux Hosts

Filed under: Linux,Software — cangione @ 9:48 pm

If you are running VMware on a Linux host it is worth the upgrade to
5.5 for the new bridged support for wireless networks. It used
to be the you had to use NAT when running your Virtual Machines under
Linux using a wireless card. This feature had been available for
windows hosts for awhile.

December 2, 2005

Using XSLT Stylesheets with Arbortext E3 for HTML Output

Filed under: Software,XSLT — cangione @ 5:30 pm

"convert" apparently expects to find an ATI processing instruction in
xsl stylesheets before it will execute HTML transformations. Otherwise
it only produces XML.

The PI should take the following form and be inserted as follows:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<?APT StylesheetID Title="FOOBAR" CompositionTypes="htmlfile"?>
<xsl:stylesheet version="1.0" xmlns:xsl="">

November 25, 2005

Using XPath in a FOSI stylesheet with Arbortext

Filed under: Software — cangione @ 12:16 pm

Example syntax:

<savetext conrule="!,#XPATHCONTENT(ancestor::Class/Title)#XPATH,!"

Additional Information:
In the installation tree of Arbortext you should see a directory called
tutorials. Inside of there is a sub-directory called 28001C. Inside of
that sub-directory is an SGML file called "28001C.sgm". This file is the
main definition of the FOSI standard which is sometimes also referred
to as the outspec. The file has notes indicating what parts of the
standard are supported, what parts are not supported, and Arbortext
extensions to the standard. Open this file and search for the string
XPath for more information.


TeX in a FOSI to rotate text for print/PDF

Filed under: Software — cangione @ 11:55 am
According to the documentation, Arbortext doesn't support the rotate attribute on entry in a table.
You can use the following TeX in a FOSI to rotate text for print/PDF:
usetext source="%\hbox{\special{pub: rotate 45}%,12pt,\YOUR TEXT HERE\,%}%"

October 16, 2005

Patch available for VMWare 5 on Fedora Core 4

Filed under: Linux,Software — cangione @ 7:33 am

VMWare 5 will not run on FC4 without running the vmware-any-any-update
after installation.


  1. Install VMWare 5
  2. Grab the latest vmware patch from
  3. Extract the files into a temporary directory.
  4. CD into the directory and run the script.
  5. This replaces two files in the VMWare installation with updated
    version for FC4.
  6. Run



October 6, 2005

ACID Test & Transactions Defined

Filed under: Software — cangione @ 7:51 pm

Acid test is a phrase that can also refer to a foolproof test that will accurately determine the validity of something. The origins come from the gold rush in the United States. Gold does not react to most acids (unlike most metals) but does to nitric acid. The acid test was then used to confirm if gold was indeed found.[1]

Transactions provide several important properties, referred to as the ACID properties: [2]

  • Atomicity:
    A transaction is either successful or unsuccessful. Either all of the operations that make up a transaction take effect or none take effect. A successful transaction is said to commit. An unsuccessful transaction is said to abort. Any operations performed by an aborted transaction are undone (rolled back) so that its effects are not visible.
  • Consistency:
    A transaction transforms distributed data from one consistent state to another. The application program is responsible for ensuring consistency.
  • Isolation:
    Each transaction appears to run independently of other transactions that are running concurrently. The effects of a transaction are not visible to others until the transaction completes (commits or aborts). The transactions appear to be serialized, with two or more transactions acting as though one completed before the other began, even though they are executed concurrently.
  • Durability:
    Also known as permanence, this property ensures that once completed, the effects of a transaction are permanent. A subsequent failure (such as abnormal program termination, communications failure, or hardware failure) does not cause the effects to be undone. Transactions are often used to control and moderate access to a centralized database. Typical uses for transaction processing systems include database-oriented applications such as airline reservation systems and automatic bank-teller machines.

[1] From Wikipedia
[2] Red Hat Web Application Framework Developer Guide

September 24, 2005

Setting up VI navigation commands in Firefox 1.0.5 or later

Filed under: Software — cangione @ 1:20 am

vi geeks (Emacs is ok too I guess....) this is tooooooooooo cool! For
those of us that actually remember how to do things before the
invention of the mouse this modification is for you in Firefox! The
following procedure will add keybindings that simulate vi navigation
movements such as the j and k keys.

  1. For versions following 1.0.5 the platformHTMLBindings.xml
    file has moved inside the $firefox_home/chrome/toolkit.jar
    (content/global/platformHTMLBindings.xml within the JAR file)
    • You'll need to extract the existing file from the archive,
      modify it, then update the archive.
    • The simplest way to modify the file is to move the jar file
      into a working directory, unpack it, modify the file, the repack it
      into the jar. Suggest that you also make a backup of the original toolkit.jar file while you are at it.
  2. Move the JAR file to a working directory:
    cd $MOZILLA_HOME/chrome/
    cp toolkit.jar $WORKING_DIRECTORY
  3. Unpack the JAR file with the Java Archive Utility:
    jar -xf toolkit.jar
  4. Modify the file which will now be located at

    Add the entries listed below as children of the <binding id="browser"><handlers> element:

    <handler event="keypress" key="k"command="cmd_scrollLineUp"/>
    <handler event="keypress" key="j" command="cmd_scrollLineDown"/>
    <handler event="keypress" key="l" command="cmd_scrollRight"/>
    <handler event="keypress" key="h" command="cmd_scrollLeft"/>
  5. Repack the JAR file:
    jar -cf toolkit.jar content/	
  6. Copy the new JAR file back.
  7. Restart the browser and get away from the dreaded Carpal Tunnel

NOTE: If you have turned on the Advanced Firefox
option "Begin finding when you being typing" this should
be turned off. By typing a /
character you can start a search for any text on the page and by typing
a ' character you can start a
search for any link on a page. For more info refer to the Firefox
Keyboard Shortcuts

I believe that this is the first page that has been updated to
accomplish this task for vi navigation on Firefox versions after 1.0.5 (HINT:
If you are using a version of Firefox before 1.0.6 YOU ARE NOT
The instructions provided here were
based on instructions for earlier versions of Firefox gathered from the
following pages:

September 20, 2005

Google Alerts

Filed under: Software — @ 9:30 pm

Google Labs is still coming out with great stuff. Google
is worth a look.

The alerts give you targeted search results in an e-mail based on your
choice of query. The results are e-mailed to you based on a schedule
you select. It is a good way of keeping current on a particular
industry or topic. The query can search either the Google news site or
their web search with an additional option to search both.

A nice enhancement to this service would be creating an RSS or ATOM
feed for the results instead of sending it via e-mail.

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