A place for SGML and XML application developers.

May 25, 2005

Rules for Reuse Explored

Filed under: XML — cangione @ 12:12 am

What makes a useful reuse object? In addition, how do you define that reuse object with XML markup? A good candidate should have the following qualities:
  • Self Contained
  • Standalone
  • Context Independent
Self Contained- The object should carry all of the information it needs to express itself in any context that it may find itself in. This would include things such as attributes and metadata .
Standalone- The object should be understandable outside of any context it may find itself in. This is especially important for translation purposes.
Context Independent- The object should not carry specific contexts. (Example: Refer to the previous section...). Context Independence and reusability can be in conflict. For example an entire instruction set for configuring a computer program may be similar for Windows and Unix but there are slight differences depending on the OS. Using attributes as a profiling axis may help overcome some of the problems but may introduce others in areas such as translation.

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