A place for SGML and XML application developers.

August 6, 2006

To Blog or To Wiki?

Filed under: Software — cangione @ 9:07 pm

At first glance wikis and blogs both provide an easy means of communicating information. With various products it is sometimes hard to identify the distinctive differences. Bob Doyle for E-Content Magazine does a good job in a recent article of pointing out the two main differences that still remain. The first is how blogs and wikis organize their information. The second is the number of contributors and what they hope to achieve.

A blog is organized in reverse chronological order. The Date and time is critical in the organization of the blog. The basic organizing principle of a wiki is to aggregate and organize content. New content and old content are give equal weight. Blogs typically speak in the voice of a single author or organization. The posts tend to stand alone on a topic. Others than add their comments or additions at the bottom of the post. Wiki information may start as a place holder for an idea or topic and then have multiple people contribute to it over time as relevant information is found.

July 10, 2006

show functions – new to Arbortext 5.2

Filed under: ACL,Software — cangione @ 4:49 pm

show functions [package] [output=filename]

A useful new command was added to Arbortext 5.2. The show functions command displays a list of all the functions defined in the specified package along with a count of the number of times each function was called in the current session.

package is the name of a loaded package or the fully qualified path name of the file defining the functions.


"show functions main" displayed...

Functions defined in file C:\Program Files\Epic\v5.2\lib\init.acl:

Name Calls
is_unix 29
is_windows 12
oid_is_tbl_wrapper 0
oid_is_tbl_viewimage 0
save_point 0
restore_point 0
clear_point 0
re_search_forward 0

July 5, 2006

Goodbye Palm

Filed under: Rants/Musings — cangione @ 3:54 am

I threw out my wife's Palm V tonight. I was kind of sad about throwing away a perfectly good device till I reflected that I've done without my Palm Pilot for over a year and don't know how to live without my Blackberry! I update a contact in MS Outlook and it just shows up on my Blackberry. Sync? Why the hell would i want to do that? Notes, Tasks list .... Same Question?

Being of the instant gratification generation, I want one device and I want it to do everything! Sorry Palm, you have become irrelevant in my life.....Now if I could just say the same about MS Outlook!


June 18, 2006

How Can Dual Booting in this day and age be a good thing?

Filed under: Rants/Musings — cangione @ 10:36 pm

Apple has received an incredible amount of press for officially making it possible to dual boot a Mac machine into their OS or Windows XP. It has been talked about as the most important invention for Mac users since sliced bread. Um...... you have been able to dual boot Windows and Linux OS for years! This is nothing new! What I find funny is that Macs are getting to Dual boot while the rest of the world moves on to virtualization. Why would you want to dual boot a machine instead of running all of your OS in something like VMWare? The day I can virtualize a MAC OS in VMWare is the day I might become interested in it!

June 8, 2006

Bursting vs. Thoughtful Object Creation

Filed under: XML — cangione @ 8:50 pm

A significant amount of time and energy has been spent by CMS vendors talking about the benefits of bursting or chunking monolithic XML documents into individual objects. The benefits that are touted are object reuse, lower translation costs, individual routing and approval workflows and the ability to enhance content instead of re-creating the bare minimum necessary.

For this to work it assumes that the organization or the individual creating and managing the content has consistently applied the concepts of reuse at each of the bursting or chunking levels. In practical terms, does each topic or section actually make sense as a re-usable object? Very rarely. More often there are a few sections/topics/paragraphs in a document that scream to be reused. In addition, these reusable objects can then be consciously put in a location for others to find and re-use. Thus in many instances, it seems more practical to provide templates that can be used to create re-usable objects where appropriate and leave the rest of a document a standalone monolithic object.

June 7, 2006

Fedora Re-Spins Available

Filed under: Linux — cangione @ 8:52 pm

The Fedora Community released re-spins of Fedora Core 5 last week. It incorporates the latest updates available for the release which leads to less download time after your installation. The kernel-2.6.15-1.2054_FC5 shipped with FC5 disallowed the loading of any non-GPL modules. This was quickly fixed but marred the release.

Additionally the Fedora Community plans to re-spin often. Re-Spins will be provided each month for supported releases. This is a welcome addition for people that wait until a release settles down and mirrors the consistent release schedule that commercial vendors are adopting.

May 23, 2006

iText a Free Java-PDF library

Filed under: Java,Software — cangione @ 9:36 pm

iText is a good jar available under multiple license options: MPL and LGPL.

The classes are very useful for PDF cutting and assembly.

May 12, 2006

Vex – A Visual Editor for XML in Eclipse

Filed under: Eclipse,Software,XML — cangione @ 2:28 pm

Vex is an eclipse plug-in editor for XML documents that works with Docbook and DITA doctypes. Vex hides the raw XML tags from the user, providing a word processor like interface.

In Eclipse Vex has it's own perspective that provides a panel for attributes of an element, an xpath status bar at the bottom of the editor that provides the current context within the document and an outline view of the major divisions.

In short, a nice XML editor for simple XML document creation.

Screen Shot:

May 9, 2006

Docbook to DITA Info

Filed under: XML — cangione @ 9:12 pm

A few links about converting Docbook data to DITA:

May 5, 2006

Adding URL Menu Item to Arbortext Editor

Filed under: ACL — cangione @ 3:17 pm

This example shows how to add a URL as a menu item using ACL in Arbortext Editor:

menu_add ".Help." "W3C Technical Reports"
 -cmd {browse_url('')}

May 4, 2006

NcFTP Nice Replacement for FTP

Filed under: Linux,Software — cangione @ 12:24 pm

NcFTP is an enhanced FTP client that has some nice command line features like displaying the size of the file and the percentage complete.

May 3, 2006

XSLT vs XQuery

Filed under: XSLT — @ 5:44 pm

Blog item that examines XQuery vs XSLT.

I would add to the insights here that XSLT is designed for transformations while XQuery was designed to find things that are not necessarily in the current instance you are working with but also not necessarily in a CMS or database.

An additional article from Michael Kay on the same subject.

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