A detailed description of the Arbortext 5.1 XSL FO support is
available at:
A detailed description of the Arbortext 5.1 XSL FO support is
available at:
If you do not want to start X automatically edit the /etc/inittab
file like this:
Wireless support in Linux is still an area that needs work. Currently
there is no reliable UI like in Windows that lists all of the networks
that are available, however there is a way to get the information from
the command line.
Use the following procedure to determine what wireless networks
are avilable:
- Open a terminal and switch to the root user
- Issue the command /sbin/iwlist scan
- The results should list all of the ESSID's available as well as
information on Channel and Encryption information.
To add additional sites that have RPMs for Linux:
1) Add the site to the yum config file under /etc/yum.conf
name=ATrpms for Fedora Core $releasever
2) Find the sites public signing key
rpm --import http://ATrpms.net/RPM-GPG-KEY.atrpms
Now when you do a yum install or update that site is added to sites
searched for RPMs. A note, be very careful with sites that have RPMs at
what's called RPMS.at-bleeding since these tend to be the raw
development builds and can lead to "bad things".....
VMWare 5 will not run on FC4 without running the vmware-any-any-update
after installation.
Acid test is a phrase that can also refer to a foolproof test that will accurately determine the validity of something. The origins come from the gold rush in the United States. Gold does not react to most acids (unlike most metals) but does to nitric acid. The acid test was then used to confirm if gold was indeed found.[1]
Transactions provide several important properties, referred to as the ACID properties: [2]
[1] From Wikipedia
[2] Red Hat Web Application Framework Developer Guide
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